Saturday, August 22, 2015

Jacob is SIX!

We can hardly believe our first little baby is already 6! He is a wonderful brother, son and kindergartener! We enjoyed a lego party with 20 of Jacob's closest friends! Yes, we limited to just his closest friends. He is fast friends with everyone he meets and loves to have a lot of people around. Legos are his favorite toy and spends hours building and playing. Right now he wants to be a zoologist. He loves researching and learning about animals. This is one special kid!

Check out birthday pictures here. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First Day of School 2015

Well, Jacob is a Kindergartener! It is hard to believe that this day has come, but it was inevitable. Jacob is ready, which makes it much easier. He get to walk to school, has lots of friends already and is very excited! 
Walking School Bus

Greeted by the Mayor

End to a great first day!

Joey and Jack started school too! This is Joey's third year and Jackie's first! They were very excited and I only got a few tears from Jack.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jackie is Two!

Twooooo! That is how Jack says it! Our baby is growing up so fast. He loves his brothers, so much so that we had to transfer him into a big boy bed in the same room as his brothers. He could not stand to sleep in his own room anymore. Jack is a good eater for the most part but oh so opinionated. Like any two year old he thinks this is his world and we are mere servants in his kingdom. The child has no fear and is tough as nails he will fall down and jump right back up!

Jack is like Jake and really enjoys dig, digs and tools so we had a construction party! Some sand, trucks, tools and cake! It was a great time. Check out the pictures.